
Getting started

Create a profile (OpenPGP)

Read the guide and found it difficult to create a profile? Perhaps you'd prefer the more approachable ASP method to create profiles.

Step 1: Preparation

  1. Install gpg: Linux systems usually already have it or can easily install it through package managers, Gpg4win for Windows systems, GPGTools for Mac systems.

Step 2: Generate a cryptographic key

Already have an OpenPGP key? Skip ahead to step 3!

The cryptographic key will be used as "container" for your online identity, just as a passport holds your real-world identity.

In a terminal:

  1. Run gpg --full-gen-key --expert.
  2. Select (10) ECC (sign only) and then (1) Curve 25519.
  3. Set the key to expire in 2y (2 years) and confirm with y. Set yourself a reminder to renew your key in one year.
  4. Enter your real-or-fake name and a valid email address — you will receive a confirmation email, so it really needs to be valid. Confirm with O as in Okay.
  5. Enter a password to protect your key.
  6. Follow the remaining instructions. You now have an OpenPGP key.
  7. When done, run gpg -K, find the key you have just created and copy the 40-character fingerprint (looks something like 5DC026DDD293736A3B305F42B6558943003E6A70 but with different characters). Copy this fingerprint, you will need it in later steps.

Step 3: Add an identity to your key

This guide assumes you want to verify a Fediverse (ActivityPub) account like Mastodon/Pleroma/Pixelfed/etc. Have a look at the Available claims/proofs section of the documentation and repeat the same steps to verify other accounts/identities.

Step 3A: The identity proof

This guide assumes you want to use a Profile URL proof. To use a different format, have a look at the Identity proof formats page.

The identity proof is a reference to your cryptographic key and is publicly posted on an online account.

In a browser:

  1. Log in to your Fediverse account and click Edit profile or a similar button.
  2. Add to your About me section — replace FPR with the fingerprint you have previously copied.
  3. Save the changes you have made to your account.

Step 3B: The identity claim

All identity claims start with Never change this part! More information on the Ariadne Identity page.

The identity claim is a reference to your online account and is stored inside your cryptographic key.

In a terminal:

  1. Run gpg --edit-key FPR where you have replaced FPR with the fingerprint you have previously copied.
  2. Run notation.
  3. Run — replace with the URL to your own profile!
  4. Enter your password and confirm.
  5. Save and quit by running save.

Step 4: Upload your public key

Your public key (or public part of your cryptographic key) needs to be uploaded to a public keyserver to be accessible on Keyoxide. This is safe: a public key is read-only and can't be edited by others.

In a terminal:

  1. Run gpg --armor --output public.asc --export FPR — replace FPR with your own key's fingerprint).
  2. In your browser, go to and upload the public.asc you have created in the previous step.
  3. You will receive a verification email with a link you will need to click.
  4. You are now done! Go to — replace with your fingerprint — to view your profile.

Step 5: Adding an avatar

Using Libravatar (recommended)

You can create an account on or run your own instance, both methods are supported by Keyoxide.

  1. Log in to your Libravatar account.
  2. Add the same email address used in your cryptographic key.
  3. Upload a profile image and assign it to your email address.

Using Gravatar

You can create an account on

  1. Log in to your Gravatar account.
  2. Add the same email address used in your cryptographic key.
  3. Upload a profile image and assign it to your email address.

What's next?